38 research outputs found

    Методичні вказівки до лабораторних робіт з курсу "Комп'ютерні мережі". Частина 2

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    Друга частина курсу присвячена вивченню найбільш застосовуваних у мережі Internet протоколів користувача. Перша лабораторна робота містіть вивчення засобів встановлення зв’язку у мережі за допомогою моделі клієнт – сервер. Друга робота присвячена знайомству с роботою електронної пошти. Третя робота вивчає працю с WEB клієнтом та налаштування зв’язку з прокси – сервером. Остання, четверта робота присвячена розробці програм, які обмінюються даними через мережу. Для цього застосовується бібліотека сокетів. Методичні вказівки містять 4 лабораторні роботи

    Impact of GNSS-band radio interference on operational avionics

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    GNSS outages due to intentional jamming affecting the airspace over the Eastern Mediterranean have received significant attention in recent years. In an effort to better understand the phenomenon and its impact on aviation hardware, DLR sent a data collection flight to the area. The flight was conducted in an Airbus 320, which allowed a study of the behavior of regular avionics and aviation-grade GNSS receivers under jamming conditions. Part of the experimental instrumentation included a high-definition radio-frequency recording device, which allows in-depth pre-correlation analysis of the radio spectrum around the main GPS and Galileo carrier frequencies. The results confirm that the observed outages likely stem from man-made radio interference. They also provide an in-situ opportunity to study the behavior of commercial avionics under GNSS interference conditions

    On the numerical investigation of systems of singular integral equations of the first kind and with an indefinable index with regard to the SLAE condition number

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    Путем сведения к двум разным типам систем сингулярных интегральных уравнений (СИУ) численно исследуется краевая задача математической физики для бесконечной упругой изотропной области, содержащей неподвижное включение с поперечным сечением произвольной формы, находящееся под воздействием плоских гармонических стационарных волн. Задача решается с использованием систем СИУ1-го и 2-го рода (но с неопределяемым индексом). С использованием кластерных высокоточных вычислительных схем исследуется зависимость числа обусловленности систем линейных алгебраических уравнений (СЛАУ) от волнового числа. Наряду с исследовательскими задачами, разработанные методы и алгоритмы могут использоваться для подготовки специалистов в области "дата майнинга".The numerical investigation of boundary-value problems of mathematical physics for an elastic isotropic medium that contains a rigid inclusion with an arbitrary contour and under the influence of plane harmonic stationary waves is carried out by reducing systems of singular integral equations (SIE) to two different types. The problem is solved by using systems of SIE of the 1st and 2nd kind (with an indefinable index). Cluster high-precision computational schemes are used to investigate the dependence of the condition number of a system of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) on the wave number. Alongside the research problems, the developed methods and algorithms can be used for training qualified professionals in the field of "data mining"

    Modeling Ground-to-Air Ranging Errors Using a Local Elevation Mask

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    We propose a method for describing the spatial correlation of ranging errors in terrestrial sources. The method is based on characterizing the ranging errors in terms of azimuth and elevation angles, rather than in three-dimensional space. The change in parameters makes for a simpler data collection setup, compared with the full three-dimensional error model

    Improving the Availability of LDACS-Based APNT with Air-to-Air Ranging

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    The currently envisioned plan for Alternative Position, Navigation, and Timing (APNT) relies heavily on Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) for providing RNAV/RNP services. Alternative proposals include the use of L-Band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS) signals as a means of obtaining ranging measurements, relative to a network of ground stations. We extend the LDACS-based approach to include the Air-to-Air (A2A) Communications capability, which has been specified for future implementation. Using A2A distance measurements between aircraft, potentially extends the availability of APNT. This is particularly interesting for lowaltitude users (e.g. non-precision approach, departure) in the vicinity of high-altitude (e.g. en-route) users

    Vulnerability analysis of the CNS-infrastructure: An exemplarily approach

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    In this paper we identify vulnerabilities of a few CNS-systems and describe their possible abuse by malicious agents replicating and broadcasting CNS (similar) signals, particularly for jamming and spoofing purposes. For communications, navigation and surveillance we consider VHF digital link mode 2, ground-base augmentation system and the secondary surveillance radar, respectively. In each case, we introduce a technical overview, identify susceptibilities and describe possible malicious attacks and their corresponding consequences. Finally, we present possibilities for minimizing risks emerging from exploiting the identified vulnerabilities of the considered system

    Enhanced Vertical Navigation Using Barometric Measurements

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    This paper introduces a technique to transform between geometric and barometric estimates of altitude and vice-versa. Leveraging forecast numerical weather models, the method is unbiased and has a vertical error with a standard deviation of around 30 m (100 ft), regardless of aircraft altitude, which makes it significantly more precise than established comparable conversion functions. This result may find application in various domains of civil aviation, including vertical RNP, systemized airspace, and automatic landing systems